Texas A&M University-Galveston (TAMUG)

Academic Year: Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)



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Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)
Common CourseTexas A&M University-Galveston
ACCT 2301 3hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 229 3hIntroductory Accounting
ACCT 2302 3hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingACCT 230 3hIntroductory Accounting
ACCT 2401 4hPrinciples of Financial AccountingACCT 229 4hIntroductory Accounting
ACCT 2402 4hPrinciples of Managerial AccountingACCT 230 4hIntroductory Accounting
AGRI 1115 1hHorticulture (lab)HORT 202 1hHorticulture Lab
AGRI 1119 1hIntroductory Animal Science (lab)ANSC 108 1hGeneral Animal Science Lab
AGRI 1131 1hThe Agricultural IndustryAGLS 101 1hModern Agricultural Systems & Renewable Natural Resources
AGRI 1307 3hAgronomySCSC 105 3hWorld Food & Fiber Crops
AGRI 1315 3hHorticultureHORT 201 3hHorticultural Science & Practices
AGRI 1319 3hIntroductory Animal ScienceANSC 107 3hGeneral Animal Science
AGRI 1329 3hPrinciples of Food ScienceFSTC 201 3hFood Science
AGRI 1407 4hAgronomy (lecture +lab)SCSC 105 4hWorld Food & Fiber Crops
AGRI 1415 4hHorticulture (lecture + lab)HORT 201/202 4hHorticultural Science & Practices
AGRI 1419 4hIntroductory Animal Science (lecture + lab)ANSC 107/108 4hGeneral Animal Science
AGRI 2301 3hAgricultural Power UnitsAGSM 201 3hAgricultural Energy and Power Systems
AGRI 2317 3hIntroduction to Agricultural EconomicsAGEC 105 3hIntroduction to Agricultural Economics
AGRI 2321 3hLivestock EvaluationANSC 215 3hIntroduction to Livestock Evaluation
ANTH 2101 1hPhysical Anthropology (lab)ANTH 226 1hIntroduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory
ANTH 2301 3hPhysical AnthropologyANTH 225 3hIntroduction to Biological Anthropology
ANTH 2302 3hIntroduction to ArcheologyANTH 202 3hIntroduction to Archaeology
ANTH 2346 3hGeneral AnthropologyANTH 201 3hIntroduction to Anthropology
ANTH 2351 3hCultural AnthropologyANTH 210 3hSocial & Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 2401 4hPhysical Anthropology (lecture + lab)ANTH 225/226 4hIntroduction to Biological Anthropology/LAB
ARAB 1411 4hBeginning Arabic IARAB 101 4hBeginning Arabic I
ARAB 1412 4hBeginning Arabic IIARAB 102 4hBeginning Arabic II
ARAB 2311 3hIntermediate Arabic IARAB 201 3hIntermediate Arabic I
ARAB 2312 3hIntermediate Arabic IIARAB 202 3hIntermediate Arabic II
ARCH 1301 3hArchitectural History IARCH 249 3hSurvey of World Architectural History I
ARCH 1302 3hArchitectural History IIARCH 250 3hSurvey of World Architectural History II
ARCH 1307 3hArchitectural Graphics IARCH 115 3hDesign Communications Foundations I
ARCH 1311 3hIntroduction to ArchitectureENDS 101 3hDesign Process
ARCH 2312 3hArchitectural TechnologyCOSC 253 3hConstruction Materials & Methods I
ARTS 1303 3hArt History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century)ARTS 149 3hArt History Survey I
ARTS 1304 3hArt History II (14th Century to the Present)ARTS 150 3hArt History Survey II
ARTS 1311 3hDesign I (2-Dimensional)ARTS 103 3hDesign I
ARTS 1316 3hDrawing IARTS 111 3hDrawing I
ARTS 2323 3hLife Drawing IARTS 212 3hLife Drawing
ARTS 2356 3hPhotography I (Fine Arts emphasis)ARTS 210 3hIntroduction to Digital Photography
ASTR 1103 1hStars and Galaxies LabASTR 102 1hObservational Astronomy (with ASTR 1303 = ASTR 111)
ASTR 1303 3hStars and GalaxiesASTR 101 3hBasic Astronomy (with ASTR 1103 = ASTR 111)
ASTR 1403 4hStars and GalaxiesASTR 111 4hOverview of Modern Astronomy
BCIS 1305 3hBusiness Computer ApplicationsISTM 210 3hFundamentals of Information Systems
BCIS 1405 4hBusiness Computer ApplicationsISTM 210 3hFundamentals of Information Systems
BIOL 1106 1hBiology for Science Major I (lab)BIOL 111 1hIntroductory Biology I (with BIOL 1306)
BIOL 1107 1hBiology for Science Major II (lab)BIOL 112 1hIntroductory Biology II (with BIOL 1307)
BIOL 1113 1hGeneral Zoology (lab)BIOL 107 1hZoology (with BIOL 1313)
BIOL 1306 3hBiology for Science Majors I (lecture)BIOL 111 3hIntroductory Biology I (with BIOL 1106)
BIOL 1307 3hBiology for Science Majors II (lecture)BIOL 112 3hIntroductory Biology II (with BIOL 1107)
BIOL 1308 3hBiology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture)BIOL 113 3hEssentials in Biology
BIOL 1313 3hGeneral Zoology (lecture)BIOL 107 3hZoology (with BIOL 1113)
BIOL 1322 3hNutrition & Diet TherapyNUTR 202 3hFundamentals of Human Nutrition
BIOL 1406 4hBiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab)BIOL 111 4hIntroductory Biology I
BIOL 1407 4hBiology for Science Major II (lecture + lab)BIOL 112 4hIntroductory Biology II
BIOL 1408 4hBiology for Non-Science Major I (lecture + lab)BIOL 113 4hEssentials in Biology
BIOL 1413 4hGeneral Zoology (lecture + lab)BIOL 107 4hZoology
BIOL 2120 1hMicrobiology for Non-Science Majors Laboratory (lab)BIOL 206 1hIntroductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2320)
BIOL 2121 1hMicrobiology for Science Majors (lab)BIOL 206 1hIntroductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2321)
BIOL 2320 3hMicrobiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture)BIOL 206 3hIntroductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2120)
BIOL 2321 3hMicrobiology for Science Majors I (lecture)BIOL 206 3hIntroductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2121)
BIOL 2420 4hMicrobiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture + lab)BIOL 206 4hIntroductory Microbiology
BIOL 2421 4hMicrobiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab)BIOL 206 4hIntroductory Microbiology
BUSI 1301 3hBusiness PrinciplesBUSN 101 3hFreshman Business Initiative
BUSI 2301 3hBusiness LawMGMT 209 3hPrinciples of Business Regulations and Law
BUSI 2305 3hBusiness StatisticsBUSN 203 3hStatistical Methods for Business
CHEM 1105 1hIntroductory Chemistry Laboratory I (lab)CHEM 116 1hMolecular Science for Citizens Laboratory
CHEM 1109 1hGeneral Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lab)CHEM 117 1hGeneral Chemistry for Engineering Students Laboratory
CHEM 1111 1hGeneral Chemistry I (lab)CHEM 119 1hFundamentals of Chemistry I (with CHEM 1311)
CHEM 1112 1hGeneral Chemistry II (lab)CHEM 120 1hFundamentals of Chemistry II (with CHEM 1312)
CHEM 1305 3hIntroductory Chemistry I (lecture)CHEM 106 3hMolecular Science for Citizens
CHEM 1309 3hGeneral Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lecture)CHEM 107 3hGeneral Chemistry for Engineering Students
CHEM 1311 3hGeneral Chemistry I (lecture)CHEM 119 3hFundamentals of Chemistry I (with CHEM 1111)
CHEM 1312 3hGeneral Chemistry II (lecture)CHEM 120 3hFundamentals of Chemistry II (with CHEM 1112)
CHEM 1405 4hIntroductory Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CHEM 106/116 4hMolecular Science for Citizens & Laboratory
CHEM 1409 4hGeneral Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lecture + lab)CHEM 107/117 4hGeneral Chemistry for Engineering Students Lec/lab
CHEM 1411 4hGeneral Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CHEM 119 4hFundamentals of Chemistry I
CHEM 1412 4hGeneral Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CHEM 120 4hFundamentals of Chemistry II
CHEM 2123 1hOrganic Chemistry I (lab)CHEM 237 1hOrganic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 2125 1hOrganic Chemistry II (lab)CHEM 238 1hOrganic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 2323 3hOrganic Chemistry I (lecture)CHEM 227 3hOrganic Chemistry I
CHEM 2325 3hOrganic Chemistry II (lecture)CHEM 228 3hOrganic Chemistry II
CHEM 2423 4hOrganic Chemistry I (lecture + lab)CHEM 227/237 4hOrganic Chemistry I & Laboratory
CHEM 2425 4hOrganic Chemistry II (lecture + lab)CHEM 228/238 4hOrganic Chemistry II & Laboratory
CHIN 1411 4hBeginning Chinese ICHIN 101 4hBeginning Chinese I
CHIN 1412 4hBeginning Chinese IICHIN 102 4hBeginning Chinese II
CHIN 2311 3hIntermediate Chinese ICHIN 201 3hIntermediate Chinese II
CHIN 2312 3hIntermediate Chinese IICHIN 202 3hIntermediate Chinese II
COMM 1307 3hIntroduction to Mass CommunicationJOUR 102 3hAmerican Mass Media
COMM 2311 3hMedia WritingJOUR 203 3hMedia Writing I
COSC 1420 4hC ProgrammingCSCE 206 4hStructured Programming in C
DANC 1110 1hTap DanceKINE 199 1hRequired Physical Activity
DANC 1112 1hDance PracticumKINE 199 1hRequired Physical Activity
DANC 1128 1hBallroom and Social DanceKINE 199 1hRequired Physical Activity
DANC 1151 1hFreshman Dance PerformanceKINE 199 1hRequired Physical Activity
DANC 1201 2hDance Composition-ImprovisationKINE 199 2hRequired Physical Activity
DANC 1241 2hBeginning BalletDCED 260 2hBallet I
DANC 1247 2hBeginning Jazz DanceKINE 199 2hRequired Physical Activity
DANC 2151 1hSophomore Dance PerformanceKINE 199 1hRequired Physical Activity
DANC 2247 2hIntermediate Jazz DanceKINE 199 1hRequired Physical Fitness
DANC 2303 3hDance AppreciationDCED 202 3hDance Appreciation
DRAM 1310 3hTheater AppreciationTHEA 200 3hIntroduction to World Theatre
DRAM 1351 3hActing ITHEA 110 3hActing I: Fundamentals
DRAM 2362 3hHistory of the Theater IITHEA 281 3hHistory of the Theatre II
ECON 2301 3hPrinciples of MacroeconomicsECON 203 3hPrinciples of Economics
ECON 2302 3hPrinciples of MicroeconomicsECON 202 3hPrinciples of Economics
EDUC 1301 3hIntroduction to the Teaching ProfessionTEFB 273 3hIntroduction to Culture, Community, Society and Schools
EDUC 2301 3hIntroduction to Special PopulationsINST 210 3hUnderstanding Special Populations
ENGL 1301 3hComposition IENGL 103 3hIntroduction to Rhetoric and Composition
ENGL 1302 3hComposition IIENGL 104 3hComposition and Rhetoric
ENGL 2307 3hCreative WritingENGL 235 3hElements of Creative Writing
ENGL 2311 3hTechnical & Business WritingENGL 210 3hTechnical and Professional Writing
ENGL 2322 3hBritish Literature IENGL 231 3hSurvey of English Literature I
ENGL 2323 3hBritish Literature IIENGL 232 3hSurvey of English Literature II
ENGL 2327 3hAmerican Literature IENGL 227 3hAmerican Literature: The Beginnings to Civil War
ENGL 2328 3hAmerican Literature IIENGL 228 2hAmerican Literature: Civil War to Present
ENGL 2332 3hWorld Literature IENGL 221 3hWorld Literature
ENGL 2333 3hWorld Literature IIENGL 222 3hWorld Literature
ENGR 1204 2hEngineering Graphics IMMET 105 2hEngineering Graphics
ENGR 1304 3hEngineering Graphics IMMET 105 3hEngineering Graphics
ENGR 2301 3hEngineering Mechanics-StaticsMMET 275 3hMechanics for Technologists
ENGR 2401 4hEngineering Mechanics-StaticsMMET 275 4hMechanics for Technologists
FREN 1411 4hBeginning French IFREN 101 4hBeginning French I
FREN 1412 4hBeginning French IIFREN 102 4hBeginning French II
FREN 2311 3hIntermediate French IFREN 201 3hIntermediate French I
FREN 2312 3hIntermediate French IIFREN 202 3hIntermediate French II
GEOG 1301 3hPhysical GeographyGEOG 203 3hPlanet Earth
GEOG 1302 3hHuman GeographyGEOG 201 3hIntroduction to Human Geography
GEOG 1303 3hWorld Regional GeographyGEOG 202 3hGeography of the Global Village
GEOL 1103 1hPhysical Geology (lab)GEOL 102 1hPrinciples of Geology Laboratory
GEOL 1104 1hHistorical Geology (lab)GEOL 106 1hHistorical Geology Lab (with GEOL 1304)
GEOL 1145 1hOceanography (lab)OCNG 252 1hThe Blue Planet - Our Oceans Laboratory
GEOL 1303 3hPhysical Geology (lecture)GEOL 101 3hPrinciples of Geology
GEOL 1304 3hHistorical Geology (lecture)GEOL 106 3hHistorical Geology (with GEOL 1104)
GEOL 1345 3hOceanography (lecture)OCNG 251 3hThe Blue Planet - Our Oceans
GEOL 1403 4hPhysical Geology (lecture and lab)GEOL 101/102 4hPrinciples of Geology
GEOL 1404 4hHistorical Geology (lecture and lab)GEOL 106 4hHistorical Geology
GEOL 1445 4hOceanography (lecture + lab)OCNG 251/252 4hThe Blue Planet - Our Oceans with Laboratory
GERM 1411 4hBeginning German IGERM 101 4hBeginning German I
GERM 1412 4hBeginning German IIGERM 102 4hBeginning German II
GERM 2311 3hIntermediate German IGERM 201 3hIntermediate German I
GERM 2312 3hIntermediate German IIGERM 202 3hIntermediate German II
GOVT 2305 3hFederal Government (Federal Const & Topics)POLS 206 3hAmerican National Government
GOVT 2306 3hTexas Government (Texas Const & Topics)POLS 207 3hState & Local Government
HECO 1322 3hNutrition & Diet TherapyNUTR 202 3hFundamentals of Human Nutrition
HIST 1301 3hUnited States History IHIST 105 3hHistory of the United States
HIST 1302 3hUnited States History IIHIST 106 3hHistory of the United States
HIST 2301 3hTexas HistoryHIST 226 3hHistory of Texas
HIST 2311 3hWestern Civilization IHIST 101 3hWestern Civilization to 1660
HIST 2312 3hWestern Civilization IIHIST 102 3hWestern Civilization since 1660
HIST 2321 3hWorld Civilizations IHIST 103 3hWorld History to 1500
HIST 2322 3hWorld Civilizations IIHIST 104 3hWorld History since 1500
HORT 1101 1hHorticulture (lab)HORT 202 1hHorticultural Science and Practices Laboratory
HORT 1301 3hHorticulture (lecture)HORT 201 3hHorticultural Science & Practices
HORT 1401 4hHorticulture (lecture + lab)HORT 201/202 4hHorticultural Science & Practices
HUMA 2323 3hWorld CulturesANTH 201 3hIntroduction to Anthropology
ITAL 1411 4hBeginning Italian IITAL 101 4hBeginning Italian I
ITAL 1412 4hBeginning Italian IIITAL 102 4hBeginning Italian II
ITAL 2311 3hIntermediate Italian IITAL 201 3hIntermediate Italian I
ITAL 2312 3hIntermediate Italian IIITAL 202 3hIntermediate Italian II
JAPN 1411 4hBeginning Japanese IJAPN 101 4hBeginning Japanese I
JAPN 1412 4hBeginning Japanese IIJAPN 102 4hBeginning Japanese II
LATI 1411 4hBeginning Latin ICLAS 121 4hBeginning Latin I
LATI 1412 4hBeginning Latin IICLAS 122 4hBeginning Latin II
LATI 2311 3hIntermediate Latin ICLAS 221 3hIntermediate Latin
LATI 2312 3hIntermediate Latin IICLAS 222 3hIntermediate Latin II
MATH 1314 3hCollege Algebra (3 SCH version)MATH 102 3hAlgebra
MATH 1324 3hMath for Business & Social SciencesMATH 140 3hMathematics for Business and Social Sciences
MATH 1325 3hCalculus for Business & Social SciencesMATH 142 3hBusiness Calculus
MATH 1342 3hElementary Statistical Methods (3 SCH version, freshman level)STAT 201 3hElementary Statistical Inference
MATH 1350 3hMathematics for Teachers I (Fundamentals of Mathematics I)MATH 135 3hMathematics for Teachers I
MATH 1351 3hMathematics for Teachers II (Fundamentals of Mathematics II)MATH 136 3hMathematics for Teachers II
MATH 1414 4hCollege Algebra (4 SCH version)MATH 102 4hAlgebra
MATH 1442 4hElementary Statistical Methods (4 SCH version, freshman level)STAT 201 4hElementary Statistical Inference
MATH 2315 3hCalculus IIIMATH 251 3hEngineering Mathematics III
MATH 2412 4hPre-Calculus Math (4 SCH version)MATH 150 4hFunctions, Trigonometry, & Linear Systems
MATH 2413 4hCalculus IMATH 151 4hEngineering Mathematics I
MATH 2414 4hCalculus IIMATH 152 4hEngineering Mathematics II
MATH 2415 4hCalculus IIIMATH 253 4hEngineering Mathematics III
MUSI 1303 3hFundamentals of Music (1 semester course)MUSC 102 3hFundamentals of Music
MUSI 1306 3hMusic AppreciationMUSC 201 3hMusic & the Human Experience
MUSI 1310 3hAmerican MusicMUSC 225 3hHistory of Jazz
MUSI 1311 3hMusic Theory IMUSC 204 3hMusic Theory I
MUSI 1312 3hMusic Theory IIMUSC 205 3hMusic Theory II
PHED 1301 3hFoundations of KinesiologyKINE 213 3hFoundations of Kinesiology
PHED 1304 3hPersonal/Community HealthHLTH 231 3hHealthy Lifestyles
PHED 1306 3hFirst AidKINE/HLTH 216 3hFirst Aid
PHED 1321 3hCoaching/Sports/Athletics IKINE 215 3hFundamentals of Coaching
PHED 1331 3hPhysical Education for Elementary Education MajorsKINE/HLTH 214 3hHealth & Physical Activity for Children
PHIL 1301 3hIntroduction to PhilosophyPHIL 251 3hIntroduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2303 3hIntroduction to Formal LogicPHIL 240 3hIntroduction to Logic
PHIL 2306 3hIntroduction to EthicsPHIL 111 3hContemporary Moral Issues
PHYS 1101 1hCollege Physics I (lab)PHYS 201 1hCollege Physics (with PHYS 1301)
PHYS 1102 1hCollege Physics II (lab)PHYS 202 1hCollege Physics (with PHYS 1302)
PHYS 1103 1hStars and Galaxies Laboratory (lab)ASTR 102 1hObservational Astronomy (with ASTR 1303 = ASTR 111)
PHYS 1301 3hCollege Physics I (lecture)PHYS 201 3hCollege Physics (with PHYS 1101)
PHYS 1302 3hCollege Physics II (lecture)PHYS 202 3hCollege Physics (with PHYS 1102)
PHYS 1303 3hStars and Galaxies (lecture)ASTR 101 3hBasic Astronomy (with ASTR 1103 = ASTR 111)
PHYS 1401 4hCollege Physics I (lecture + lab)PHYS 201 4hCollege Physics
PHYS 1402 4hCollege Physics II (lecture + lab)PHYS 202 4hCollege Physics
PHYS 1403 4hStars and Galaxies (lecture + lab)ASTR 111 4hOverview of Modern Astronomy
PHYS 2125 1hUniversity Physics Laboratory I (lab)PHYS 226 1hPhysics of Motion Laboratory for the Sciences
PHYS 2126 1hUniversity Physics Laboratory II (lab)PHYS 227 1hElectricity and Magnetism Laboratory for the Sciences
PHYS 2325 3hUniversity Physics I (lecture)PHYS 206 3hNewtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Science
PHYS 2326 3hUniversity Physics II (lecture)PHYS 207 3hElectricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science
PHYS 2425 4hUniversity Physics I (lecture + lab)PHYS 206/226 4hNewtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Sciences with Laboratory
PHYS 2426 4hUniversity Physics II (lecture + lab)PHYS 207/227 4hElectricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science
PORT 1411 4hBeginning Portuguese IPORT 101 4hBeginning Portuguese I
PORT 1412 4hBeginning Portuguese IIPORT 102 4hBeginning Portuguese II
PORT 2311 3hIntermediate Portuguese IPORT 201 3hIntermediate Portuguese I
PORT 2312 3hIntermediate Portuguese IIPORT 202 3hIntermediate Portuguese II
PSYC 2301 3hGeneral PsychologyPBSI 107 3hIntroduction to Psychology
PSYC 2314 3hLifespan Growth & DevelopmentPBSI 225 3hLifespan Development
PSYC 2317 3hStatistical Methods in PsychologyPBSI 245 3hIntroduction to Psychological Science Methods
RUSS 1411 4hBeginning Russian IRUSS 101 4hBeginning Russian I
RUSS 1412 4hBeginning Russian IIRUSS 102 4hBeginning Russian II
RUSS 2311 3hIntermediate Russian IRUSS 201 3hIntermediate Russian I
RUSS 2312 3hIntermediate Russian IIRUSS 202 3hIntermediate Russian II
SOCI 1301 3hIntroductory SociologySOCI 205 3hIntroduction to Sociology
SPAN 1411 4hBeginning Spanish ISPAN 101 4hBeginning Spanish I
SPAN 1412 4hBeginning Spanish II (2nd semester Spanish, 4 SCH version)SPAN 102 4hBeginning Spanish II
SPAN 2311 3hIntermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish)SPAN 201 3hIntermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 3hIntermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish)SPAN 202 3hIntermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2313 3hSpanish for Native/Heritage Speakers ISPAN 203 3hIntermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPCH 1311 3hIntroduction to Speech CommunicationCOMM 101 3hIntroduction to Communication
SPCH 1315 3hPublic SpeakingCOMM 203 3hPublic Speaking
SPCH 2333 3hDiscussion & Small Group CommunicationCOMM 210 3hGroup Communication and Discussion
SPCH 2335 3hArgumentation & DebateCOMM 243 3hArgumentation & Debate
TECA 1311 3hEducating Young ChildrenEDCI 353 3hEarly Childhood through Adolescent Education