Texas A&M University-Galveston (TAMUG)
Academic Year: Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)
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Fall 2024 - Summer 2025 (Default)
Common Course | Texas A&M University-Galveston | ||
Subj/Num | Title | Subj/Num | Title |
ACCT 2301 3h | Principles of Financial Accounting | ACCT 229 3h | Introductory Accounting |
ACCT 2302 3h | Principles of Managerial Accounting | ACCT 230 3h | Introductory Accounting |
ACCT 2401 4h | Principles of Financial Accounting | ACCT 229 4h | Introductory Accounting |
ACCT 2402 4h | Principles of Managerial Accounting | ACCT 230 4h | Introductory Accounting |
AGRI 1115 1h | Horticulture (lab) | HORT 202 1h | Horticulture Lab |
AGRI 1119 1h | Introductory Animal Science (lab) | ANSC 108 1h | General Animal Science Lab |
AGRI 1131 1h | The Agricultural Industry | AGLS 101 1h | Modern Agricultural Systems & Renewable Natural Resources |
AGRI 1307 3h | Agronomy | SCSC 105 3h | World Food & Fiber Crops |
AGRI 1315 3h | Horticulture | HORT 201 3h | Horticultural Science & Practices |
AGRI 1319 3h | Introductory Animal Science | ANSC 107 3h | General Animal Science |
AGRI 1329 3h | Principles of Food Science | FSTC 201 3h | Food Science |
AGRI 1407 4h | Agronomy (lecture +lab) | SCSC 105 4h | World Food & Fiber Crops |
AGRI 1415 4h | Horticulture (lecture + lab) | HORT 201/202 4h | Horticultural Science & Practices |
AGRI 1419 4h | Introductory Animal Science (lecture + lab) | ANSC 107/108 4h | General Animal Science |
AGRI 2301 3h | Agricultural Power Units | AGSM 201 3h | Agricultural Energy and Power Systems |
AGRI 2317 3h | Introduction to Agricultural Economics | AGEC 105 3h | Introduction to Agricultural Economics |
AGRI 2321 3h | Livestock Evaluation | ANSC 215 3h | Introduction to Livestock Evaluation |
ANTH 2101 1h | Physical Anthropology (lab) | ANTH 226 1h | Introduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory |
ANTH 2301 3h | Physical Anthropology | ANTH 225 3h | Introduction to Biological Anthropology |
ANTH 2302 3h | Introduction to Archeology | ANTH 202 3h | Introduction to Archaeology |
ANTH 2346 3h | General Anthropology | ANTH 201 3h | Introduction to Anthropology |
ANTH 2351 3h | Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 210 3h | Social & Cultural Anthropology |
ANTH 2401 4h | Physical Anthropology (lecture + lab) | ANTH 225/226 4h | Introduction to Biological Anthropology/LAB |
ARAB 1411 4h | Beginning Arabic I | ARAB 101 4h | Beginning Arabic I |
ARAB 1412 4h | Beginning Arabic II | ARAB 102 4h | Beginning Arabic II |
ARAB 2311 3h | Intermediate Arabic I | ARAB 201 3h | Intermediate Arabic I |
ARAB 2312 3h | Intermediate Arabic II | ARAB 202 3h | Intermediate Arabic II |
ARCH 1301 3h | Architectural History I | ARCH 249 3h | Survey of World Architectural History I |
ARCH 1302 3h | Architectural History II | ARCH 250 3h | Survey of World Architectural History II |
ARCH 1307 3h | Architectural Graphics I | ARCH 115 3h | Design Communications Foundations I |
ARCH 1311 3h | Introduction to Architecture | ENDS 101 3h | Design Process |
ARCH 2312 3h | Architectural Technology | COSC 253 3h | Construction Materials & Methods I |
ARTS 1303 3h | Art History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century) | ARTS 149 3h | Art History Survey I |
ARTS 1304 3h | Art History II (14th Century to the Present) | ARTS 150 3h | Art History Survey II |
ARTS 1311 3h | Design I (2-Dimensional) | ARTS 103 3h | Design I |
ARTS 1316 3h | Drawing I | ARTS 111 3h | Drawing I |
ARTS 2323 3h | Life Drawing I | ARTS 212 3h | Life Drawing |
ARTS 2356 3h | Photography I (Fine Arts emphasis) | ARTS 210 3h | Introduction to Digital Photography |
ASTR 1103 1h | Stars and Galaxies Lab | ASTR 102 1h | Observational Astronomy (with ASTR 1303 = ASTR 111) |
ASTR 1303 3h | Stars and Galaxies | ASTR 101 3h | Basic Astronomy (with ASTR 1103 = ASTR 111) |
ASTR 1403 4h | Stars and Galaxies | ASTR 111 4h | Overview of Modern Astronomy |
BCIS 1305 3h | Business Computer Applications | ISTM 210 3h | Fundamentals of Information Systems |
BCIS 1405 4h | Business Computer Applications | ISTM 210 3h | Fundamentals of Information Systems |
BIOL 1106 1h | Biology for Science Major I (lab) | BIOL 111 1h | Introductory Biology I (with BIOL 1306) |
BIOL 1107 1h | Biology for Science Major II (lab) | BIOL 112 1h | Introductory Biology II (with BIOL 1307) |
BIOL 1113 1h | General Zoology (lab) | BIOL 107 1h | Zoology (with BIOL 1313) |
BIOL 1306 3h | Biology for Science Majors I (lecture) | BIOL 111 3h | Introductory Biology I (with BIOL 1106) |
BIOL 1307 3h | Biology for Science Majors II (lecture) | BIOL 112 3h | Introductory Biology II (with BIOL 1107) |
BIOL 1308 3h | Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture) | BIOL 113 3h | Essentials in Biology |
BIOL 1313 3h | General Zoology (lecture) | BIOL 107 3h | Zoology (with BIOL 1113) |
BIOL 1322 3h | Nutrition & Diet Therapy | NUTR 202 3h | Fundamentals of Human Nutrition |
BIOL 1406 4h | Biology for Science Major I (lecture + lab) | BIOL 111 4h | Introductory Biology I |
BIOL 1407 4h | Biology for Science Major II (lecture + lab) | BIOL 112 4h | Introductory Biology II |
BIOL 1408 4h | Biology for Non-Science Major I (lecture + lab) | BIOL 113 4h | Essentials in Biology |
BIOL 1413 4h | General Zoology (lecture + lab) | BIOL 107 4h | Zoology |
BIOL 2120 1h | Microbiology for Non-Science Majors Laboratory (lab) | BIOL 206 1h | Introductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2320) |
BIOL 2121 1h | Microbiology for Science Majors (lab) | BIOL 206 1h | Introductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2321) |
BIOL 2320 3h | Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture) | BIOL 206 3h | Introductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2120) |
BIOL 2321 3h | Microbiology for Science Majors I (lecture) | BIOL 206 3h | Introductory Microbiology (with BIOL 2121) |
BIOL 2420 4h | Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture + lab) | BIOL 206 4h | Introductory Microbiology |
BIOL 2421 4h | Microbiology for Science Major I (lecture + lab) | BIOL 206 4h | Introductory Microbiology |
BUSI 1301 3h | Business Principles | BUSN 101 3h | Freshman Business Initiative |
BUSI 2301 3h | Business Law | MGMT 209 3h | Principles of Business Regulations and Law |
BUSI 2305 3h | Business Statistics | BUSN 203 3h | Statistical Methods for Business |
CHEM 1105 1h | Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I (lab) | CHEM 116 1h | Molecular Science for Citizens Laboratory |
CHEM 1109 1h | General Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lab) | CHEM 117 1h | General Chemistry for Engineering Students Laboratory |
CHEM 1111 1h | General Chemistry I (lab) | CHEM 119 1h | Fundamentals of Chemistry I (with CHEM 1311) |
CHEM 1112 1h | General Chemistry II (lab) | CHEM 120 1h | Fundamentals of Chemistry II (with CHEM 1312) |
CHEM 1305 3h | Introductory Chemistry I (lecture) | CHEM 106 3h | Molecular Science for Citizens |
CHEM 1309 3h | General Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lecture) | CHEM 107 3h | General Chemistry for Engineering Students |
CHEM 1311 3h | General Chemistry I (lecture) | CHEM 119 3h | Fundamentals of Chemistry I (with CHEM 1111) |
CHEM 1312 3h | General Chemistry II (lecture) | CHEM 120 3h | Fundamentals of Chemistry II (with CHEM 1112) |
CHEM 1405 4h | Introductory Chemistry I (lecture + lab) | CHEM 106/116 4h | Molecular Science for Citizens & Laboratory |
CHEM 1409 4h | General Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lecture + lab) | CHEM 107/117 4h | General Chemistry for Engineering Students Lec/lab |
CHEM 1411 4h | General Chemistry I (lecture + lab) | CHEM 119 4h | Fundamentals of Chemistry I |
CHEM 1412 4h | General Chemistry II (lecture + lab) | CHEM 120 4h | Fundamentals of Chemistry II |
CHEM 2123 1h | Organic Chemistry I (lab) | CHEM 237 1h | Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
CHEM 2125 1h | Organic Chemistry II (lab) | CHEM 238 1h | Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
CHEM 2323 3h | Organic Chemistry I (lecture) | CHEM 227 3h | Organic Chemistry I |
CHEM 2325 3h | Organic Chemistry II (lecture) | CHEM 228 3h | Organic Chemistry II |
CHEM 2423 4h | Organic Chemistry I (lecture + lab) | CHEM 227/237 4h | Organic Chemistry I & Laboratory |
CHEM 2425 4h | Organic Chemistry II (lecture + lab) | CHEM 228/238 4h | Organic Chemistry II & Laboratory |
CHIN 1411 4h | Beginning Chinese I | CHIN 101 4h | Beginning Chinese I |
CHIN 1412 4h | Beginning Chinese II | CHIN 102 4h | Beginning Chinese II |
CHIN 2311 3h | Intermediate Chinese I | CHIN 201 3h | Intermediate Chinese II |
CHIN 2312 3h | Intermediate Chinese II | CHIN 202 3h | Intermediate Chinese II |
COMM 1307 3h | Introduction to Mass Communication | JOUR 102 3h | American Mass Media |
COMM 2311 3h | Media Writing | JOUR 203 3h | Media Writing I |
COSC 1420 4h | C Programming | CSCE 206 4h | Structured Programming in C |
DANC 1110 1h | Tap Dance | KINE 199 1h | Required Physical Activity |
DANC 1112 1h | Dance Practicum | KINE 199 1h | Required Physical Activity |
DANC 1128 1h | Ballroom and Social Dance | KINE 199 1h | Required Physical Activity |
DANC 1151 1h | Freshman Dance Performance | KINE 199 1h | Required Physical Activity |
DANC 1201 2h | Dance Composition-Improvisation | KINE 199 2h | Required Physical Activity |
DANC 1241 2h | Beginning Ballet | DCED 260 2h | Ballet I |
DANC 1247 2h | Beginning Jazz Dance | KINE 199 2h | Required Physical Activity |
DANC 2151 1h | Sophomore Dance Performance | KINE 199 1h | Required Physical Activity |
DANC 2247 2h | Intermediate Jazz Dance | KINE 199 1h | Required Physical Fitness |
DANC 2303 3h | Dance Appreciation | DCED 202 3h | Dance Appreciation |
DRAM 1310 3h | Theater Appreciation | THEA 200 3h | Introduction to World Theatre |
DRAM 1351 3h | Acting I | THEA 110 3h | Acting I: Fundamentals |
DRAM 2362 3h | History of the Theater II | THEA 281 3h | History of the Theatre II |
ECON 2301 3h | Principles of Macroeconomics | ECON 203 3h | Principles of Economics |
ECON 2302 3h | Principles of Microeconomics | ECON 202 3h | Principles of Economics |
EDUC 1301 3h | Introduction to the Teaching Profession | TEFB 273 3h | Introduction to Culture, Community, Society and Schools |
EDUC 2301 3h | Introduction to Special Populations | INST 210 3h | Understanding Special Populations |
ENGL 1301 3h | Composition I | ENGL 103 3h | Introduction to Rhetoric and Composition |
ENGL 1302 3h | Composition II | ENGL 104 3h | Composition and Rhetoric |
ENGL 2307 3h | Creative Writing | ENGL 235 3h | Elements of Creative Writing |
ENGL 2311 3h | Technical & Business Writing | ENGL 210 3h | Technical and Professional Writing |
ENGL 2322 3h | British Literature I | ENGL 231 3h | Survey of English Literature I |
ENGL 2323 3h | British Literature II | ENGL 232 3h | Survey of English Literature II |
ENGL 2327 3h | American Literature I | ENGL 227 3h | American Literature: The Beginnings to Civil War |
ENGL 2328 3h | American Literature II | ENGL 228 2h | American Literature: Civil War to Present |
ENGL 2332 3h | World Literature I | ENGL 221 3h | World Literature |
ENGL 2333 3h | World Literature II | ENGL 222 3h | World Literature |
ENGR 1204 2h | Engineering Graphics I | MMET 105 2h | Engineering Graphics |
ENGR 1304 3h | Engineering Graphics I | MMET 105 3h | Engineering Graphics |
ENGR 2301 3h | Engineering Mechanics-Statics | MMET 275 3h | Mechanics for Technologists |
ENGR 2401 4h | Engineering Mechanics-Statics | MMET 275 4h | Mechanics for Technologists |
FREN 1411 4h | Beginning French I | FREN 101 4h | Beginning French I |
FREN 1412 4h | Beginning French II | FREN 102 4h | Beginning French II |
FREN 2311 3h | Intermediate French I | FREN 201 3h | Intermediate French I |
FREN 2312 3h | Intermediate French II | FREN 202 3h | Intermediate French II |
GEOG 1301 3h | Physical Geography | GEOG 203 3h | Planet Earth |
GEOG 1302 3h | Human Geography | GEOG 201 3h | Introduction to Human Geography |
GEOG 1303 3h | World Regional Geography | GEOG 202 3h | Geography of the Global Village |
GEOL 1103 1h | Physical Geology (lab) | GEOL 102 1h | Principles of Geology Laboratory |
GEOL 1104 1h | Historical Geology (lab) | GEOL 106 1h | Historical Geology Lab (with GEOL 1304) |
GEOL 1145 1h | Oceanography (lab) | OCNG 252 1h | The Blue Planet - Our Oceans Laboratory |
GEOL 1303 3h | Physical Geology (lecture) | GEOL 101 3h | Principles of Geology |
GEOL 1304 3h | Historical Geology (lecture) | GEOL 106 3h | Historical Geology (with GEOL 1104) |
GEOL 1345 3h | Oceanography (lecture) | OCNG 251 3h | The Blue Planet - Our Oceans |
GEOL 1403 4h | Physical Geology (lecture and lab) | GEOL 101/102 4h | Principles of Geology |
GEOL 1404 4h | Historical Geology (lecture and lab) | GEOL 106 4h | Historical Geology |
GEOL 1445 4h | Oceanography (lecture + lab) | OCNG 251/252 4h | The Blue Planet - Our Oceans with Laboratory |
GERM 1411 4h | Beginning German I | GERM 101 4h | Beginning German I |
GERM 1412 4h | Beginning German II | GERM 102 4h | Beginning German II |
GERM 2311 3h | Intermediate German I | GERM 201 3h | Intermediate German I |
GERM 2312 3h | Intermediate German II | GERM 202 3h | Intermediate German II |
GOVT 2305 3h | Federal Government (Federal Const & Topics) | POLS 206 3h | American National Government |
GOVT 2306 3h | Texas Government (Texas Const & Topics) | POLS 207 3h | State & Local Government |
HECO 1322 3h | Nutrition & Diet Therapy | NUTR 202 3h | Fundamentals of Human Nutrition |
HIST 1301 3h | United States History I | HIST 105 3h | History of the United States |
HIST 1302 3h | United States History II | HIST 106 3h | History of the United States |
HIST 2301 3h | Texas History | HIST 226 3h | History of Texas |
HIST 2311 3h | Western Civilization I | HIST 101 3h | Western Civilization to 1660 |
HIST 2312 3h | Western Civilization II | HIST 102 3h | Western Civilization since 1660 |
HIST 2321 3h | World Civilizations I | HIST 103 3h | World History to 1500 |
HIST 2322 3h | World Civilizations II | HIST 104 3h | World History since 1500 |
HORT 1101 1h | Horticulture (lab) | HORT 202 1h | Horticultural Science and Practices Laboratory |
HORT 1301 3h | Horticulture (lecture) | HORT 201 3h | Horticultural Science & Practices |
HORT 1401 4h | Horticulture (lecture + lab) | HORT 201/202 4h | Horticultural Science & Practices |
HUMA 2323 3h | World Cultures | ANTH 201 3h | Introduction to Anthropology |
ITAL 1411 4h | Beginning Italian I | ITAL 101 4h | Beginning Italian I |
ITAL 1412 4h | Beginning Italian II | ITAL 102 4h | Beginning Italian II |
ITAL 2311 3h | Intermediate Italian I | ITAL 201 3h | Intermediate Italian I |
ITAL 2312 3h | Intermediate Italian II | ITAL 202 3h | Intermediate Italian II |
JAPN 1411 4h | Beginning Japanese I | JAPN 101 4h | Beginning Japanese I |
JAPN 1412 4h | Beginning Japanese II | JAPN 102 4h | Beginning Japanese II |
LATI 1411 4h | Beginning Latin I | CLAS 121 4h | Beginning Latin I |
LATI 1412 4h | Beginning Latin II | CLAS 122 4h | Beginning Latin II |
LATI 2311 3h | Intermediate Latin I | CLAS 221 3h | Intermediate Latin |
LATI 2312 3h | Intermediate Latin II | CLAS 222 3h | Intermediate Latin II |
MATH 1314 3h | College Algebra (3 SCH version) | MATH 102 3h | Algebra |
MATH 1324 3h | Math for Business & Social Sciences | MATH 140 3h | Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences |
MATH 1325 3h | Calculus for Business & Social Sciences | MATH 142 3h | Business Calculus |
MATH 1342 3h | Elementary Statistical Methods (3 SCH version, freshman level) | STAT 201 3h | Elementary Statistical Inference |
MATH 1350 3h | Mathematics for Teachers I (Fundamentals of Mathematics I) | MATH 135 3h | Mathematics for Teachers I |
MATH 1351 3h | Mathematics for Teachers II (Fundamentals of Mathematics II) | MATH 136 3h | Mathematics for Teachers II |
MATH 1414 4h | College Algebra (4 SCH version) | MATH 102 4h | Algebra |
MATH 1442 4h | Elementary Statistical Methods (4 SCH version, freshman level) | STAT 201 4h | Elementary Statistical Inference |
MATH 2315 3h | Calculus III | MATH 251 3h | Engineering Mathematics III |
MATH 2412 4h | Pre-Calculus Math (4 SCH version) | MATH 150 4h | Functions, Trigonometry, & Linear Systems |
MATH 2413 4h | Calculus I | MATH 151 4h | Engineering Mathematics I |
MATH 2414 4h | Calculus II | MATH 152 4h | Engineering Mathematics II |
MATH 2415 4h | Calculus III | MATH 253 4h | Engineering Mathematics III |
MUSI 1303 3h | Fundamentals of Music (1 semester course) | MUSC 102 3h | Fundamentals of Music |
MUSI 1306 3h | Music Appreciation | MUSC 201 3h | Music & the Human Experience |
MUSI 1310 3h | American Music | MUSC 225 3h | History of Jazz |
MUSI 1311 3h | Music Theory I | MUSC 204 3h | Music Theory I |
MUSI 1312 3h | Music Theory II | MUSC 205 3h | Music Theory II |
PHED 1301 3h | Foundations of Kinesiology | KINE 213 3h | Foundations of Kinesiology |
PHED 1304 3h | Personal/Community Health | HLTH 231 3h | Healthy Lifestyles |
PHED 1306 3h | First Aid | KINE/HLTH 216 3h | First Aid |
PHED 1321 3h | Coaching/Sports/Athletics I | KINE 215 3h | Fundamentals of Coaching |
PHED 1331 3h | Physical Education for Elementary Education Majors | KINE/HLTH 214 3h | Health & Physical Activity for Children |
PHIL 1301 3h | Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 251 3h | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 2303 3h | Introduction to Formal Logic | PHIL 240 3h | Introduction to Logic |
PHIL 2306 3h | Introduction to Ethics | PHIL 111 3h | Contemporary Moral Issues |
PHYS 1101 1h | College Physics I (lab) | PHYS 201 1h | College Physics (with PHYS 1301) |
PHYS 1102 1h | College Physics II (lab) | PHYS 202 1h | College Physics (with PHYS 1302) |
PHYS 1103 1h | Stars and Galaxies Laboratory (lab) | ASTR 102 1h | Observational Astronomy (with ASTR 1303 = ASTR 111) |
PHYS 1301 3h | College Physics I (lecture) | PHYS 201 3h | College Physics (with PHYS 1101) |
PHYS 1302 3h | College Physics II (lecture) | PHYS 202 3h | College Physics (with PHYS 1102) |
PHYS 1303 3h | Stars and Galaxies (lecture) | ASTR 101 3h | Basic Astronomy (with ASTR 1103 = ASTR 111) |
PHYS 1401 4h | College Physics I (lecture + lab) | PHYS 201 4h | College Physics |
PHYS 1402 4h | College Physics II (lecture + lab) | PHYS 202 4h | College Physics |
PHYS 1403 4h | Stars and Galaxies (lecture + lab) | ASTR 111 4h | Overview of Modern Astronomy |
PHYS 2125 1h | University Physics Laboratory I (lab) | PHYS 226 1h | Physics of Motion Laboratory for the Sciences |
PHYS 2126 1h | University Physics Laboratory II (lab) | PHYS 227 1h | Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory for the Sciences |
PHYS 2325 3h | University Physics I (lecture) | PHYS 206 3h | Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Science |
PHYS 2326 3h | University Physics II (lecture) | PHYS 207 3h | Electricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science |
PHYS 2425 4h | University Physics I (lecture + lab) | PHYS 206/226 4h | Newtonian Mechanics for Engineering and Sciences with Laboratory |
PHYS 2426 4h | University Physics II (lecture + lab) | PHYS 207/227 4h | Electricity and Magnetism for Engineering and Science |
PORT 1411 4h | Beginning Portuguese I | PORT 101 4h | Beginning Portuguese I |
PORT 1412 4h | Beginning Portuguese II | PORT 102 4h | Beginning Portuguese II |
PORT 2311 3h | Intermediate Portuguese I | PORT 201 3h | Intermediate Portuguese I |
PORT 2312 3h | Intermediate Portuguese II | PORT 202 3h | Intermediate Portuguese II |
PSYC 2301 3h | General Psychology | PBSI 107 3h | Introduction to Psychology |
PSYC 2314 3h | Lifespan Growth & Development | PBSI 225 3h | Lifespan Development |
PSYC 2317 3h | Statistical Methods in Psychology | PBSI 245 3h | Introduction to Psychological Science Methods |
RUSS 1411 4h | Beginning Russian I | RUSS 101 4h | Beginning Russian I |
RUSS 1412 4h | Beginning Russian II | RUSS 102 4h | Beginning Russian II |
RUSS 2311 3h | Intermediate Russian I | RUSS 201 3h | Intermediate Russian I |
RUSS 2312 3h | Intermediate Russian II | RUSS 202 3h | Intermediate Russian II |
SOCI 1301 3h | Introductory Sociology | SOCI 205 3h | Introduction to Sociology |
SPAN 1411 4h | Beginning Spanish I | SPAN 101 4h | Beginning Spanish I |
SPAN 1412 4h | Beginning Spanish II (2nd semester Spanish, 4 SCH version) | SPAN 102 4h | Beginning Spanish II |
SPAN 2311 3h | Intermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish) | SPAN 201 3h | Intermediate Spanish I |
SPAN 2312 3h | Intermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish) | SPAN 202 3h | Intermediate Spanish II |
SPAN 2313 3h | Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers I | SPAN 203 3h | Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers |
SPCH 1311 3h | Introduction to Speech Communication | COMM 101 3h | Introduction to Communication |
SPCH 1315 3h | Public Speaking | COMM 203 3h | Public Speaking |
SPCH 2333 3h | Discussion & Small Group Communication | COMM 210 3h | Group Communication and Discussion |
SPCH 2335 3h | Argumentation & Debate | COMM 243 3h | Argumentation & Debate |
TECA 1311 3h | Educating Young Children | EDCI 353 3h | Early Childhood through Adolescent Education |